Baking with Cloud Zombie - Toffee Apple Cookies, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin and Marshmallow Pastries

Oh wow it's been a while since I last did one of these.
Since it's one of my favourite months I thought I'd do a Autumn/Halloween special. I have three treats for you to make this time around, let me know if you have a go.
Toffee Apple Cookies
These toffee apple cookies are fun and easy to make. I used a base recipe and added my own additional ingredients. Make your cookies as apple and toffee packed as you would like. 
It's a good idea to use parchment paper or special silicon baking sheets, the toffee tends to stick to the trays.  
Amendments/Additions to the recipe:
*Instead of Caster Sugar I used Muscovado sugar
*Dried Sliced Apples
*Soft Toffees

Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin pie is a pretty fun choice this time of year, here's my take on it. As you can see I added additional leaf decorations but you can do whatever you like.
I blind baked the pastry case first then added my filling and returned to the oven.

Amendments/Additions to the recipe:
*Instead of Caster Sugar I used Muscovado sugar
*I used premade-pre-rolled short crust pastry
*I used canned pumpkin

Pumpkin and Marshmallow Pastries
This is a nice nod to Harry Potter but makes a nice small treat, great warm and with a cup of tea. 
These are hand pies so they should fit in the pal of your hand, I used a round cookie cutter that was about the size of my palm.
I used a sugar glaze on top.
I baked these for around 10 minutes on 200 Degrees C
Amendments/Additions to the recipe:
*I used left over pumpkin from my pie
*I used premade-pre-rolled short crust pastry
*Mini Marshmallows

Thank you for reading!
