Please Vote!

Please Vote!
As it is the last day before the voting starts for the General Election tomorrow I'm going to say my piece and then go back to my normal ways of posting picture of cute animals.

I have never been a majorly political person, to be honest the whole thing pisses me off to no end and gives me anxiety. I am however a firm believer in everyone having a right to vote and have their say. Sadly not everyone takes this opportunity to better the county they live in and make a difference to themselves, it is their future after all and we already have conflict between the older and younger population as it is. I am not here to push my political beliefs onto you, I know who I am voting for but I want you to decide when you vote and decided what's best for the future. 

So I will so this:
Please Vote!
Please don't feel that you are being judged for your decision because this is your say and nobody can take this away from you.
We need the younger generation to take part, it will make a huge difference.  
