Song of The Day - Tuesday - #SpreadTheLove

Happy Tuesday or 
Valentines Day or
Spread The love Day!

I was almost late to the station this morning, I didn't want to get out of bed today. I wasn't feeling well last night and I think it disrupted my sleep a little. 

So it's Valentines day today, it's not much of a thing when you have been in a relationship for over 11 years. We have been making our own Valentines cards and anniversary cards for a while now and we either cook an awesome meal together or we get a takeaway, sod going out to a restaurant where they charge you through the nose for a heart shaped dessert.

Today I am opting to spread the love out into the world. Instead of buying shitty made up celebration day themed foods and card, try spreading the love to your fellow man and woman no matter the colour of their skin, religion and where they come from. The people on this planet need to look after and share compassion for the people they share it with. 
Song of The Day:
