Cloud Zombie's Bookshelf - 2017 Dystopia Reading Challenge - Arena One (Survival Trilogy #1)

**Review May Contain Spoilers**
Arena One (Survival Trilogy #1) By Morgan Rice (EBook)
Wow what can I say about this book.....
The main protagonist in this book was an incredible Mary Sue and I had to put this book down and just so I could get my head around how this person could possibly survive as much as she did. 

This girl survives 3-4 vehicle crashes, I'm talking huge smash ups not the average side swipe. Most of the book was a car chase which would be awesome if it was written better and not taken a large percentage of the book. She is put in a death arena to fight, this girl has hardly had anything to eat since the world ended and yet she somehow kicks arse. She kills a sumo wrestler, a woman with sharpened teeth and a poisonous snake, a man with gauntlets that has been built like a brick house and somehow throws a knife and kills someone with a headshot.

The foreshadowing in this book so obvious that even my cat Jiji would get what was going to happen and she gets confused by a fly on the other side of the glass window.

I wanted to like this book, I really did. It had everything there that could have made an awesome post apocalyptic survival adventure.
 I can feel that pull of wanting to buy the rest of the series, I am a completest and it feels wrong to stop a series before it had even begun. I can't help feeling I will be let down again.  
Thank you for reading!
