Song of The Day Tuesday - Train Delays, Cancellations and Points Failures

Good Morning All!

The trains are a shit storm as usual and they were last night as well. It took me over 2 and half hours to get home last night because there was a points failure on Rochester bridge junction. Most trains that come through Kent need that route to actually get where they need to go, this was not fun. It was kind of a Shawshank Redemption moments when I finally got out of the train into the pissing rain. It was 8:45 when I finally got home. 

This morning a large train was cancelled before mine and we now have two train loads on a 4 coach train, it is a bit cramped and we are also calling at an extra station. Southeastern rail are going for the gold. Hopefully the day goes ok and I am not forced to deal with more delays tonight because I like to have an evening so I can at least eat and digest it at least a little before I go to bed.

Spoke too soon!! 
My Blackfriars train is not going to Blackfriars any more because something isn't working. I get to go to London Victoria now. Joy of Joys! 
Wish me luck on getting through this day! 
Song of The Day:

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have an awesome Tuesday!
