My Adventures at Star Wars Celebration 2016

Wow the build up to celebration was epic and I can't believe it has gone past already!
I was awake far to early so we could get up to the convention and not have to wait in the queue forever. The doors opened at 10am and I had been surrounded in the queue by many cosplayers and Star Wars themed t-shirts.
The Excel centre is huge and I wasn't expecting the convention to take up two halls but it did and there were lots to explore.

Lego Kylo Ren, this must have taken a lot of patients. 
 Kylo would have destroyed it half way through.

One of my favourite dresses that Natalie Portman wore during her time in the Star Wars films.

 I believe these were Death Troopers from the Rogue One film.

The all powerful Death Star

Pretty looking fella

IG 88 and BB 8 in silver

Huge Tie Fighter

The inside of The Millennium Falcon

The under side of an AT AT

Go for the legs!

Me and a Wampa (skin rug)
Thank you for reading!
Star Wars raise the roof sandpeople movies movie
