Song of The Day - Tuesday - It's Raining Sideways!!

Morning All!
Me and my clothes were totally obliterated this morning by the heaviest torrential rain in a long time. I am wet all over despite wearing a rain coat and using an umbrella. My shoes are so wet my socked feet are floating in my shoes, today is going to be a long cold and wet day. 

Sorry today's blog is a little late. My train made a detour to pick another train load of people and it got a little snug and having someone breathing down my neck while I write is uncomfortable so did this quickly once I was off the train. Sorry for the short blog, I'll tell tales of the weekend tomorrow or maybe do an afternoon blog if I get time.
Thank you as always for reading your blog, I hope the rain doesn't dampen your Tuesday.

For the next week the theme will be:
Bands of Download Festival 2016
Song of The Day:
