Song of The Day - Thursday - You Can Do It!

Good Morning and a very happy Thursday to you all!
I'm extra sleepy today after a visit to the inlaws house last night, we got to bed a little later than usual and I may need more than my unusual one cup of tea to get through this day. 

I hit 500 followers on twitter yesterday which is kind of cool, I know it's not much in terms of famous bloggers and Youtubers but it's big for me. My little blog is also very close to 15,000 views which is again big for me, I will have to think what to do as celebration when I hit 15,000 views. 

There was a rude lady on my train today, she pushed past the queue of commuters waiting to get on the train. You can always tell when they are not regular commuters because they don't follow the unwritten rules of commuting, she went the wrong way up the carriage though and I got a better seat than her. 

Any way I'll stop writing at you and let you get on with your Thursday, thank you for reading and I hope that you have a great day!
Song of The Day:
