Song of The Day- Monday - Mawwwridge!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!
I am currently getting ready because my sister in law to be will soon be my official sister in law (photos to come tomorrow).
We got a nails done on Saturday to make us look extra fancy.
Pretty funky eh?!
The other half and I also went up to Faversham hop festival for a little while to get us in the mood for the celebration spirit.
The group photos are of the other half and I and a few friends.
I had blackcurrant cider, It was incredibly nice and I wanted more but I wanted to awake for when I got my nails done in the afternoon.
Sunday was basically piss about and get things ready day before heading down to Whitstable in the afternoon. In The Evening we broke off into groups, me and the other bridesmaids with the bride and her family, then the other half with the groom and his family. 
We both had meals in two separate restaurants (both happen to be Italian restaurants). 

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Have a wonderful Monday!
Song of The Day:
